Saturday, September 22, 2012

........THE HALLOWED ONES.........

The Hallowed Ones
Author: Laura Bickle
Published By: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Publication Date: September 25, 2012
The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle follows the story of Katie, a young Amish girl on the verge of Rumspringa, which is the time in the Amish community where the young get to go out into the "English" world to experience life on the outside of their culture. Unfortunately before she gets the chance to set out, things on the outside world take a turn for the worst, starting with a helicopter crash that gives the readers a first glimpse of the creatures terrorizing the "English" world. Eventually the Amish Elders rule that no one may leave the community grounds and no one may come in.
I will say that I tried very hard to keep reading this book, I don't like giving up, but I just could not finish this one. I'm not sure what exactly turned me away, the author does a wonderful job of describing Amish lifestyle for anyone who does not know much about them. Also I really liked Katie, she was a very like able heroine from her love of comic books, Wonder Woman, soda pop, also she had just the right touch of rebellion, but for some reason the mystery that was surrounding this book just could not keep my interest. I felt maybe it took too long to reach the action. Now while this book was not for me that does not mean other readers will not enjoy it. This book comes out September 25th. If you like a bit of mystery and vampire like creatures, then this one is for you!!

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