Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adventures in Facial Piercings

So since I have shaved most my hair off I have gotten some strange stares, told I now looked way to cool to work at my current job (GO AUTO INSURANCE!), or told I was having a wild streak.
Well I have decided to go with wild streak, so keeping with that theme I was told that I now need to get a piercing or more tattoos ( I have one tattoo on my back of my sisters name with her favorite flower). Today I decided to go get my Marilyn Monroe.
One of my co-workers (shout out to T) went with me to get it done, we picked the place to get the piercing and after work drove up there. The piercer gave me my paperwork, which I signed with very shaky hands I could barely read my own name. All too soon he called me back to the piercing chair of doom. I got sterilized, my lip marked, then got my lip locked into place so the skin would not move. My nerves shot through the roof. Then the needle went through and it felt like someone ripped my face off, but as soon as it began it was done. He gave me a mirror to see and I had my Marilyn.
Pictures below. Please excuse my face I was in minor pain, although to my shock I did not cry what what!!


Finally my song recommendation for the day comes from an 80's alt station (thank you T and pandora). Check out "The Promise" by When In Rome. GOTTA LOVE THE 80'S

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