Monday, September 17, 2012

*****Parental Advisory*****

So I go to work with a colorful to say the least awesome group of ladies. (Looking at you PD, CC). Well sometimes in my department frustration runs at a high when you cannot locate something or even have a problem posting something....

T: I can't find beep beeping beep explicative, explicative. I guess bleep beep beep $$$$....

ME: Jeez T you should come with a parental advisory.

T: (Laughing) It's so true.

We both laugh continuously until finally getting a little control and go back to posting and not a minute later I hear her going again.

T: Can't believe bleep beep beeping bleep random explicative and bleeping beep.

Sometimes I'm not sure she makes complete sentences, but we love her and the day would definitely go much slower without her.


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