Thursday, September 13, 2012

I, Robot.....No I Not

So I woke up this morning and decided to take a look at my blog. To my complete surprise after I logged on it was nowhere to be found. I went to my home blogger page and it said I was the author of "0" blogs. Now for anyone who does not know I am very attached to my blog, I love it like my dog loves Ensure, like my sister loves tanning, like my mother loves ignoring Wayne's Wayneisms. A small wave of panic went through me. So I went to my gmail account and found a very interesting email. Apparently Google thinks I'm  a robot. The link I posted under I am not a robot (ironic) cheerleader, Sia for The Hallowed Ones as just the plain URL was flagged for my blog being possibly spam so my blog was on lock down. So if you see any warning messages know that the issue is being fixed and that Google is going to unlock the blog (hopefully) in two days as it is obvious I am not a robot... :)

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