Wednesday, May 1, 2013

~Sleepyhead~ Yawn, yawn, stretch, stretch.............

My goodness it's been awhile... So I am in little while going to be updating some stuff on my blog like where my review blog is (for BOOKS yay, I love reading!!), so I can seperate the two.  In the meantime a song I adore at the moment is Terrible Love by the National, I cannot give this song enough love it is beautiful! Also a little fun from a generation of E. women:

Maybelline: A conversation of generations

Hollie: My arm is really sore from bowling last night….
Me: Why?
Hollie: I was trying to bowl a curve ball.
Me: Maybe it’s sore because you weren’t doing it right
Hollie: MayBE it’s because I’m not used to bowling like that
Mom: (From the backseat of the car) Maybe it’s Maybelline

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