Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Don't Care, I Love It............Goodbye the Office

I cannot believe it is over. When I first heard of the Office I have to say it did not appeal to me. It was so dry, such a strange film style. Wow was I the fool! Amazing, amazing, amazing!! I'm not ashamed to say that this final episode tonight made me laugh and cry in equal turns. It made me feel nostalgic and emotional to see all the clips of the past and how much these characters grew and changed (some not so much) over the years! I found myself saying to my screen "NO NO NO not yet" but all good things do come to an end, a sad, but happy end. The network and/or writers did an awesome job with ending things in how they should, just as awkward, confusing, and disastrous as ever.
If you have never seen the Office, please go find it, go Netflix the first season I swear you will be a fan by the end of the first episode (or at least the second!) But if you are like me and you are a current fan then I'm sure you share in my little pond of despair and will miss this show that has been apart of your life for years. So a huge thank you to the Office...............you stupidly brilliant amazing show!!!!

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