Friday, January 11, 2013

Sorry about the No post....

So it's been a few days since I've posted, I have been sick (flu I'm sure), but I am feeling much better now!
So I plan on posting my about my New Year's Eve and also since I know it's coming up soon January 16th I think my date may be wrong, but American Idol starts and I happened to try out this summer. Now I did not make it (but I was told I had a good voice by a judge at my table!) But I have tons of pictures and news to share from that day (Ryan Seacrest was there! Now I know I went all fan girl, which is weird because I'm not like a super fan or anything but it was still pretty awesome), so that will be exciting.
One last thing my song of the day since I've not done that in a while:
Bad Karma by Ida Maria
(she is so freaking awesome, listen to her debut album, if you haven't heard of her!)

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